A few days ago I sent out a request to a few random - and not quite so random - players that will battle it out in the Invitational this weekend. Today we get a bit of insight into Enrico Agostino Guarneri and Morné Lombaard.
Mr Enrico Guarneri:
Tell the readers a bit about yourself: I am employed at Legal Aid SA as an advocate. I defend people indicted with serious crimes
(usually premeditated murder, rape and robbery) in theJohannesburg High Court. I live with my fiancé in Lambton, Germiston.
For how long
have you been playing Magic the Gathering? About 12 years.
What is your favourite Magic the Gathering card of all time?
What is your favourite Magic the Gathering deck of all time?
UW Delver in standard.
is your proudest achievement in your Magic the Gathering career?
Qualifying for the Pro Tour in Seattle.
was your initial reaction when you heard of the Blowfish Invitational?
Glad we were having another major tournament. We have so few.
meta-game in Standard - at the moment - is very much still in flux, what types
of decks are you preparing to play against at the Invitational?
Various control, decks with Thragtusk and Zombies.
I haven't had much chance to test. I've followed the results, and read articles
on SCG, TCG Player and Channel Fireball.
I've drafted with my team, and played in standard tournaments. I plan to do some more testing with my team
this week. Wish I had an extra two weeks
four players do you reckon have the best chance of winning the inaugural
Michael Strauss, Dale Fienberg, Jarcque Henning and Adam
Katz (but I heard he was not attending).
your opponent sits down across from you, what do you think their initial impression
is of you?
I don't really care.
deck are you seriously thinking about playing at the Invitational?
Mr Morné Lombaard:
the readers a bit about yourself.
I'm a 30 year old maintenance technician from Johannesburg.
I enjoy all kinds of gaming and fun activities.
how long have you been playing Magic the Gathering?
I’ve been playing on and off for about 11 Years
Chaos Confetti, so much fun.
is your favourite Magic the Gathering deck of all time?
U/B Fearies
is your proudest achievement in your Magic the Gathering career?
Competing at Pro Tour Barcelona 2012
was your initial reaction when you heard of the Blowfish Invitational?
I was excited that someone took the initiative to create an
event that could give u a nationals feel but be casual enough that anyone could
qualify for it.
meta-game in Standard - at the moment - is very much still in flux, what types
of decks are you preparing to play against at the Invitational?
Zombies, Frites, Bant control, Jund Midrange and American
Mostly testing on magic online and also testing with my team
mates when the opportunities arise.
four players do you reckon have the best chance of winning the inaugural
Russell Tanchel, Michael Strauss, Theuns Prinsloo and James
your opponent sits down across from you, what do you think their initial
impression is of you?
Not really sure but hopefully it's a good one.
deck are you seriously thinking about playing at the Invitational?
B/G Zombies. It's super consistent and has some insane
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